Thursday, July 24, 2008


We didn't exactly break-up. Blogger has been good to me for a long time. I just needed space. I don't do well with excessive smothering anyway. He never allowed me "light" perusing rights. It was either all or nothing. And he sucked me in everyday....and held me captive until I read them all!

There is something liberating in NOT checking in everyday. Showing him who's in control around here! I feel empowered! And now, I think we can really work things out. We do have a good thing going. He's connected me to so many that I know we're not supposed to be over. Just a little tweaked from what was....

So here goes:

Pictures of my cousin and her beautiful tiny baby boy. (He's literally 1/3 the size of Grey).

p.s....I tried to post pictures I took of this cute family and I really the only person who didn't realize that when your permanent marker runs out and you use ball-point on the front of the CD that it ruins it??? I know my brain is in an altered state during this whole birthing process...but come on! I can't even believe it and I'm just thankful they got their copies. (Oh, and it ruined about five other CDs I'd burned...nice!)


Grandma lu said...

Beautiful pictures Suz!

Rachel said...

suz.. thanks so much for taking those pictures! you just had to put the ones of me on there??? someday i'll appreciate them.. haha.. really though. thank you!!

Phoebe said...

absolutely darling pics suz! you have so got the talent! how's the house coming?

Laurie said...'re good Suz!!! The models are pretty cute too !! You really have the eye!! Love ya!