Monday, May 5, 2008

two vs. three...

The Black Hole...

Seven days after my first c-section (Kate) I packed up what little we could, and flew to Vegas. It was Joe's summer internship that brought us out and since my mom's house wasn't finished yet (or started for that matter) and the condo seemed a bit tight without us there...we rented an apartment for those three months.

After sitting in a wheelchair at the airport for our three hour delay and sitting for three more hours on our flight, we arrived. Only to be escorted "home." After a short visit all said goodbye and left us there. Our little family of four.

The next day came and everyone was off to work but me and my newborn and two and a half year old. All of his friends and toys we left in Arkansas, along with mine too. That's when I entered the "Black Whole" stage of that experience...

I'm sad that those first few months of Kate's life are tucked away in some part of my brain that I don't visit often...Having a newborn has it's challenges (no sleep). But having those challenges exacerbated by 7-day-old major surgery no extra hands and a 2 1/2 year old wanting my attention the whole time and a newborn who had to be held 24-7...was not ideal.

If Joe would have said he only wanted two kids...we would only have two kids. My apprehension for this third one was not very subtle (just ask Joe) and I'm blessed to be able to say that the experience with this guy:

puts my black hole days to shame! My mom helped, my mother-in-law came, my husband took a week's been fabulous! My kids' routine hasn't even skipped a beat! I didn't cook a meal for three weeks (I have the best friends and parents ever!!!) And he is such a great baby! two kids just play together!!! Imagine that!!!I found my big boy doing this the other day....he loves his little brother.

And speaking of my big boy...

We were totally rewarded for being slacker parents! One of his training wheels feel off so Joe just took the other one motivate himself to get out and teach this boy! Low and behold he officially taught himself! It was awesome! (of course, he fell at the park and declared he wanted his training wheels back on...)

And this little princess...Lives in this dress. (You will get it back tonight Court!) And ever since I came home from the hospital...she only changes her clothes 5000 times a day and that is in between the time she is wearing this:

I just love my three! And this time it certainly has been a charm...


Erin said...

Those pictures are so sweet. What beautiful kids. I totally agree that three was easier than two. The older two could play together while I took care of the baby. But I don't know what to expect with number 4. Lizzy is so attached to me still. I am glad to hear that you have had so much family support.

the heiner family said...

Your new baby is BEAUTIFUL! I am so excited for you...I hope to run into you when I am back home in a month or so...Marshals...right?

Phoebe said...

such beautiful babies! does a mother's heart good to see her kids getting along?!! (however few and far betwen!)love you guys Good job on the bike Truman!!

Mark and Maria said...

LOVE IT, LOVE IT!! Three was great for me too (not to say I didn't like four and I don't like five!:) But yeah, it's so great that the older two are buds and can play together.
Hey, Sam is six and just learned to ride his bike last week! :) We should get those two together for a little bike riding celebration!
By the way, your pictures are amazing!

lori said...

So, should we be terrified about number two? =) Kidding.

We're SO GLAD that things have been going so smoothly! You guys are such great examples to us! We hope we can raise such a beautiful, happy little family as you have!

Love the pictures so much!

Anonymous said...

your best post yet suz! so so sweet. i love you and there is no need to bring that dress back, kate looks too cute in it!

Grandma lu said...

Makes me so sad I had to leave you when Katie was born. Those were such hard days, but so glad it was better this time. I love your pictures! They are wonderful!

ztruman said...

Three was easier for me too. Nice to have an older sibling to play with the ex-baby. You are a bonified photographer. Great photos! Glad you are doing so well.

Rachel said...

suz i love the pics! your kids are darling.. i love the one of trum looking at grey.. so sweet- ok so i'm praying my little boy comes out like baby grey(except maybe a little smaller!!??) i'm getting REALLY nervous for the 4 kid thing.. especially as it seems its coming kinda fast.. ahhh.. your little family is beautiful..

{Annie N.} said...

Oh what a sweet baby! I can't believe he was that big...or that little you carried him! Holy Moley!