...we did everything together! We read, played trains, napped...we became the best buddies.
...you always come and put your arm around me and say, "you're the best mom ever!"
My buddy was a power ranger (the kid hasn't ever even seen a show...it's a show, right?) And then there's the witch...with her silly face (thanks big brother, can't quite break her of it.)Notice the poses and flexing-my-muscles face throughout this whole evening...
Where'd the tongue go? She thought I was done!
Stern muscle-flexing face and practicing her wink...new favorite thing.
Meet Little Sam, or Sara's Sam, or School Sam...(not to be confused with Big Sam, Maria's Sam, or Tom and Sam.) These two are BUDDIES!!! Trum loves this little guy!
They were both Power Rangers! I don't think my buddy really gets the whole concept of picking one costume for Halloween. Every year it's been wear one friend's to Trunk or Treat, wear a random one from home for school, and then another random home one for the actually holiday. So in going along with our version of Halloween, he decided to be the black power ranger after finding out that Sam's going to be the blue. Of course he still wants to be four other things come Halloween!
Then came the candy and very exited kids that I got home and threw in bed to avoid that post-candy-missed-bedtime total come apart! It was so fun. Just wish Joe could have been there... but when there's preparation for trial, there is no dad...but I will take that over an unhappy billable hour husband!
(hee hee hee cackle cackle...)
it's been an all hugs and loves kind of day!
Then after perusing the blog world for a minute this morning I found this...
which I totally love and is a calender found here.
And I'm going to quilt one of these one day...I'm just going to straight up copy it from her! How do you like that!?!
Days are good again...until about 7pm and that's when I tap out...but thank goodness for second trimesters.